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Maximize Dark Fiber Utilization with the Latest WDM Technology

FS's WDM transport systems deliver the flexible capacity today’s networks need while providing a future-proof platform to meet the demands of the next generation. Multiplexing multiple wavelengths onto a single fiber or fiber pair achieves high fiber utilization and data capacity transmission over longer distances.

  • High Capacity Transmission
    Single-fiber GB-level transmission capacity, after multiplexing, the system transmission capacity can reach TB-level, which can help optimize network investment.
  • Transparent Protocol
    Each channel is transparent to the speed and type of data, supports ATM, IP, SDH and other signals, and provides diversified network services.
  • Maximized Dark Fiber Utilization
    Instead of using multiple fibers for each and every service, a single fiber can be shared for several services.


  • FMU-D402160M3
    • Maximized fiber utilization
      Multiplexing of up to 40 channels on fiber pair.
    • High reliability
      Passive DWDM Mux/Demux based on AAWG technology.
    • Flexible expansion port
      1310nm port for increasing capacity.
  • FMU-AD402160M3
    • Web management
      Configure, monitor and troubleshoot the device in real time.
    • Visual LED display
      A visual confirmation via LEDs shows that each channel and line are set up correctly.
    • Transparent protocol
      Mix of services multiplexing at any rate.
  • FHD-C84761EM
    • Low insertion loss
      Passive insertion loss typically 2.0dB, max 2.4dB CWDM Mux/Demux based on free space technology.
    • Hybrid C/DWDM system
      Expanding additional DWDM channels over 1530nm/1550nm ports.
    • Maximized fiber utilization
      Multiplexing of up to 8 channels on fiber pair to maximize the usefulness of fiber.
  • FHD-C82745EM
    • High performance
      High density, low insertion loss, passive DWDM Mux/Demux based on TFF (Thin Film Filter) technology.
    • Flexible Expansion Port
      Expansion port for adding additional channels and increasing capacity.
    • Customized monitor port
      The monitor port provides flexible monitoring methods without service interruption at a split of 1% (2%, 3%, 5% optional).
