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Это изображение касается UFM遥测.
Это изображение касается UFM遥测.

UFM Telemetry Platform for NVIDIA® InfiniBand Switches, Support Real-Time Monitoring


Real-Time Monitoring

FS P/N: UFM Telemetry
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UFM Telemetry Platform for NVIDIA® InfiniBand Switches, Support Real-Time Monitoring

The NVIDIA® Mellanox® UFM® platforms revolutionize data center networking management. By combining enhanced and real-time network telemetry with AI-powered cyber intelligence and analytics, the UFM platforms empower you to discover operation anomalies and predict network failures for preventive maintenance. The UFM platforms comprise UFM Telemetry, UFM Enterprise and UFM Cyber-AI to suit your data center's needs and requirements.
At the basic level, the UFM Telemetry platform provides network validation tools, and monitors the network performance and conditions. It captures, for example, rich real-time network telemetry information, workload usage data and system configuration, and streams it to a defined on-premises or cloud-based database for further analysis.

Managed Nodes
0-1,000, 1,000-5,000
1-year subscription, 3-year subscription, 5-year subscription
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Data Center Management Made Easy
Optimize Performance with Real-Time Monitoring
The UFM Telemetry platform provides network validation tools to monitor network performance and conditions, help customers optimize network performance through enhanced visualization and diagnostic capabilities.
UFM Telemetry
Real-Time Monitoring
UFM Enterprise
Management, Monitoring and Orchestration
UFM Cyber-Al
Cyber Intelligence and Analytics
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